Our Daily Bread
At Jubilee Family Church we believe Church attendance is great but each person needs to have a personal relationship with God that they nurture every day. We believe the words, "daily bread" are a direct reference to the book of Exodus where the people were instructed to collect manna in the wilderness every day and only enough for that day (Ex 16:4-5). Jesus said he was the living bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:49-51). If the people collected extra manna on a day (except for the day before the sabbath) so they didn't have to collect it on subsequent days, the manna would turn into maggots (Ex 16:20). We believe this metaphorically speaks of self righteousness, and a ritualistic religious system. God want's a personal relationship with you and he wants to meet you every day. (Luke 5:16)
The Word for you Today: A very generous donor has made available to you a digital online devotion called “The Word for You Today”. To log on simply visit mydevoapp.com. Create an account. Follow the on screen prompts and then enter the access code OCC. (The letter “O” not the number).
Christian Radio: We have a really cool Christian radio station in our community that reaches out globally over the internet. Add worship to your daily time with the Lord as you drive or pray at home.